Greg doesn’t himself often host events. Most of his work is “for-hire” and not open to the general public. These occasions include school programs, donor/patron engagement with non-profits, retreats, or workplace wellness and team building. Occasionally you’ll find him at a library or festival. He also speaks in partnership with great organizations like People First Tourism, the North Carolina Storytelling Guild, the Drum Circle Facilitators Guild, and the Percussive Arts Society.

You may, however, find the occasional exception listed here.

Conga Club 2024 Flyer


2nd Mondays, 7-8:30 pm
Greg & Annelies’ House in Midtown Raleigh

Join a group of enthusiasts exploring the subtle, melodic rhythms of the islands! Play instruments from Caribbean ensembles: barrel drums, gourd shakers, sticks, and bells. Learn music from Greg’s research trips to Cuba and Belize, plus patterns from Brazil, Congo, Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Trinidad & Tobago, and more.

Each session has a warm-up, drum lesson on a traditional rhythm, a social break, and a freestyle jam. Enjoy sipping a bit of great rum during class.

Class meets one mile from North Hills Mall, Raleigh. Address given upon registration; to register send email to

The group meets monthly. Beginners welcome. Loaner drums available.

$20 per session. Payment by cash or check on site.